.NET Core 3.0 (Preview 7) Released

.NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 has been released as of July 23rd. You can grab it here : https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.0

What’s Included

The official post from Microsoft is here : https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-core-3-0-preview-7/ but you’re not going to find anything shiny and new to play with. Infact the post explicitly states “The .NET Core 3.0 release is coming close to completion, and the team is solely focused on stability and reliability now that we’re no longer building new features“. So if something hasn’t made it into .NET Core 3.0 by now, you might be waiting until 3.1.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t take a look at what’s been happening under the hood. So I took a look at the Github issue list to see what did make it to this release, even if it wasn’t worth a shout out in the official blog post. In particular, there seems to be two main areas that has garnered quite a few taggings.

JsonSerializer Bugs

Unsurprisingly with .NET Core moving away from JSON.NET and instead moving to use their own JSON Serializer, there has been bugs a plenty. At a glance, it mostly looks like edgecase stuff where in particular scenarios, serializing and deserializing is not working as expected. Things like JSON Should be able to handle scientific notation.

Blazor Bugs

Blazor has been getting a major push recently – I’m seeing it show up more and more in my twitter feed. And along with people using it for realworld work loads, comes people logging bugs. To be brutally honest, I haven’t used Blazor at all. It feels like it’s trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist somewhat like the early days of ASP.NET WebForms. (And feel free to drop a comment below about how I’m totally wrong on that!).

Worth Updating?

One thing worth mentioning is that Microsoft say “NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 is supported by Microsoft and can be used in production“. So they obviously feel confident enough that this is a proper Release Candidate. But in terms of getting this because there is something new in there that you definitely need to get a hold of, it’s probably worth skipping for now.

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