
Looking to get in touch? Here’s all the ways you can reach me! There generally isn’t a particular topic that I will or won’t respond to, infact I actually try and reply to each and every message I receive. So go ahead!

Email :

The tried and true. I’ll generally reply to each and every email that comes through.

Twitter : @netcoretutorial

Mostly used by readers to publicly call out mistakes in articles I write. Twitter is great for keeping up to date

LinkedIn : .NET Core Tutorials

.NET Core Tutorials has a LinkedIn page (Although to be honest, not sure the value in pages on LinkedIn…).

Weekly Mailing List : Sign Up Here

Did you know you can sign up to our weekly mailing list and have a weekly post digest sent right to your inbox? We don’t send one off marketing mumbo jumbo. Just the posts for that week in one simple email.