Validating An Email In A C# .NET API

This is a short post, but one I felt compelled to write after I saw some absolutely bonkers ways of validating emails in a .NET Core API. I recently stumbled upon a war between two developers who were duking it out on a pull request/code review. It all centred around the “perfect” regex for validating an email.

And you may be thinking, isn’t it use user@domain.tld? Well.. Apparently not. Just check out this rather verbose stackoverflow answer here on the subject :

The answer given has the regex looking a bit like so :


…not the most concise.

Another example might be if we take a look at how Angular validates email. Also with a Regular Expression found here :

And it looks a bit like so :


A little bit different, but still a pretty massive regex pattern. So, given these options (And probably many many more), which should we copy and paste into our validation for our model?

public class CreateAccountViewModel
	public string Email { get; set; }

The answer is none of the above. .NET Core (And .NET Framework) have an inbuilt validator for emails like so :

public class CreateAccountViewModel
	public string Email { get; set; }

Nice and simple without much fuss. But the question then is, what Regex does .NET Core/.NET 5+ use out of the box? The answer is.. It doesn’t use regex at all!

The logic is actually rather simple :

  • Does the value have an @ symbol?
  • Is the @ symbol in any position but the first or last index of the string

No regex required!

Is this a perfect validator? Probably not, it probably allows through emails that aren’t quite up to spec with the email address RFC, but it does enough to catch the 99.99%. So next time people are arguing over the perfect email regex, maybe the answer is to not use regex at all!

2 thoughts on “Validating An Email In A C# .NET API”

  1. Eh, it feels like an exploit waiting to happen, but I guess the SMTP service will do its own, proper validation of any email address you give it, which will reject any bad emails that the .NET level of validation lets through.

    An email-like “style” of text may be useful, even if it’s not a real email. Something like a “me@home” kinda thing, which is sufficient for some purposes even if it’s not a useful email. But as soon as you have to start worrying about using an IP address instead of a domain name, it’s kind of a mess.

    • > I guess the SMTP service will do its own, proper validation of any email address you give it

      I remember reading about this a while back, and this was the reasoning given for why all these over the top regex weren’t needed. Because for the most part, you validate emails by sending an email to them anyway.


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