Using Auth0 With An ASP.NET Core API – Part 1 – Auth0 Setup

I’ve recently had to set up a new project using Auth0 as an “Identity As A Service” provider. Essentially, Auth0 provides an authentication service using an OAuth2 flow, meaning I don’t have to store passwords, worry about passwords resets, or implement my own two factor authentication. Everything about authenticating a user is handled by Auth0, it’s great!

What’s not great is their documentation. I’ve had to use Auth0 (And Azure AD B2C) in a tonne of projects over the years. And every time, I’m reminded that their documentation just plain sucks. At a guess, I think it’s because you only do it once. So if you set up Auth0 for your product, you’re only doing that once and you’ll never have to do it again. So any pains in the documentation you quickly get over. Except if you’re me! Because I work across a whole range of projects on a contract basis, I may do a new Auth0 setup up to 3 – 4 times per year. And every time, it’s painful.

In this series, I’m going to show you how to authenticate your API using Auth0, from setting up your Auth0 tenant all the way to setting up Swagger correctly. It will serve as a great guide if it’s your first time using Auth0, and for those more experienced, it will provide a good run sheet every time you have to set up a new tenant.

This post is part of a series on using Auth0 with an ASP.NET Core API, it’s highly recommended you start at part 1, even if you are only looking for something very specific (e.g. you came here from Google). Skipping parts will often lead to frustration as Auth0 is very particular about which settings and configuration pieces you need.

Part 1 – Auth0 Setup
Part 2 – ASP.NET Core Authentication
Part 3 – Swagger Setup

Creating An Auth0 API

The first thing we need to do is create a new “API” within the Auth0 dashboard. From Auth0, click the APIs menu item, click “Create API” and fill it in similar to the following :

The Name field can be anything, and is purely used within the portal. This might be useful if you have multiple different API’s that will authenticate differently, but for the most part, you can probably name it your product.

The “Identifier” is a little more tricky. It plays a similar role to the above in that it identifies which API is being authenticated for, but… Again, if you have one API it’s not too important. I typically do https://myproductname. It does not have to be a URL at all however, but this is just my preference.

Leave the signing algorithm as is and hit Create!

Copy the Identifier you used into a notepad for safe keeping as we will need it later.

Creating Your Auth0 Application

Next we need to set up our Auth0 Application. An application within the context of Auth0 can be thought of as a “solution”. Within your solution you may have multiple API’s that can be authenticated for, but overall, they are all under the same “Application”.

By default, Auth0 has an application created for you when you open an account. You can rename this to be the name of your product like so :

Also take note of your “Domain” and “ClientId”. We will need these later so copy and paste them out into your notepad file.

Further down, make your “Application Type” set to “Single Page Application”.

On this same settings page for your application, scroll down and find the “Allowed Callback URLs”. This should be set up to allow a call back to your front end (e.g. React, Angular etc). But it should also allow for a Swagger callback. (Confusing, I know). But to put it simply, pop in the URL of your local web application *and* the domain of your API application like so :

Remember to hit “Save Changes” right at the bottom of the page.

Adding Configuration To ASP.NET Core

In our .NET Core solution, open up the appsettings.json file. In there, add a JSON node like so :

"Authentication": {
  "Domain": "",
  "Audience": "https://myproduct",
  "ClientId": "6ASJKHjkhsdf776234"

We won’t actually use this configuration anywhere except in our startup method, so for now, don’t worry about creating a C# class to represent this configuration.

Next Steps

So far we’ve set up everything we need on the Auth0 side, and we’ve grabbed all the configuration values and put them into ASP.NET Core. Now, we need to set up everything related to authentication inside our .NET Core App. You can check out the next step in the series here :

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