C# HashSet: A Comprehensive Guide

C# HashSet is a powerful data structure that is widely used in C# programming. It is a collection that stores unique elements and provides high-performance set operations. The HashSet class is part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace and is available in all versions of C#.

One of the key features of C# HashSet is its ability to store only unique elements. This means that each element in the collection is guaranteed to be unique, which makes it a useful tool for removing duplicates from a collection. Additionally, HashSet provides high-performance set operations such as union, intersection, and difference. These operations can be performed on two or more sets, making it easy to manipulate data and perform complex operations.

C# HashSet is also known for its speed and efficiency. It is much faster than a regular list when dealing with primary types such as integers, doubles, and booleans. It is also faster when working with class objects. This makes it an ideal choice for large datasets and applications that require high-performance data manipulation. Overall, C# HashSet is a powerful tool that can help developers write more efficient and effective code.

What is a HashSet?


A HashSet is an unordered collection that contains unique elements. It is a part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace in C#. HashSet is a class that implements the mathematical set operations and provides high-performance set operations like accessing the keys of the Dictionary or Hashtable collections. It uses a hash-based implementation, which makes its operations like Add, Remove, and Contains O(1) complexity. This means that the time complexity of these operations does not depend on the number of elements in the HashSet. HashSet is a collection of distinct values, and it does not allow duplicates.


HashSet uses a hash table for storage, which makes it an efficient data structure for fast lookups. The hash table is an array of buckets, where each bucket contains a linked list of elements that have the same hash code. When an element is added to the HashSet, it is hashed to a specific bucket, and if there is already an element with the same hash code in the bucket, it is added to the linked list. HashSet uses the GetHashCode() method to compute the hash code of an element.

The HashSet class provides set operations like Union, ExceptWith, Intersection, and SymmetricExceptWith. These operations are used to combine two HashSets or to remove the elements that are common in two HashSets. HashSet also provides the Capacity property, which is used to get or set the number of elements that the HashSet can contain before resizing is required.

In summary, HashSet is an efficient data structure that provides fast lookups and high-performance set operations. It is an unordered collection of distinct elements that uses a hash table for storage. HashSet is a useful class in C# for implementing sets and performing mathematical set operations.

Using HashSet in C#

HashSet is a collection that contains unique elements and provides high performance in C#. It is a part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace in the .NET framework. This section will cover the basics of using HashSet in C#.

Creating a HashSet

To create a HashSet in C#, you need to declare it as a public class and use the HashSet<T> class. The type parameter T specifies the type of elements in the HashSet. Here is an example:

HashSet<int> numbers = new HashSet<int>();

Adding Elements

You can add elements to a HashSet using the Add() method. The Add() method returns a boolean value indicating whether the element was successfully added or not. Here is an example:


Removing Elements

You can remove elements from a HashSet using the Remove() method. The Remove() method removes the specified element from the HashSet and returns a boolean value indicating whether the element was successfully removed or not. Here is an example:


Checking if an Element is in a HashSet

You can check if an element is in a HashSet using the Contains() method. The Contains() method returns a boolean value indicating whether the element is in the HashSet or not. Here is an example:

if (numbers.Contains(1))
    Console.WriteLine("1 is in the HashSet");

HashSet Operations

HashSet provides several set operations such as UnionWith(), ExceptWith(), IntersectWith(), and SymmetricExceptWith(). These methods modify the current HashSet instance and perform the corresponding set operation with the specified HashSet instance. Here is an example:

HashSet<int> otherNumbers = new HashSet<int> { 2, 3, 4 };


HashSet provides high performance in C# as it uses a hash table internally. The performance of HashSet is O(1) for most operations, which means the time taken to perform the operation does not depend on the size of the HashSet. However, HashSet can cause a runtime exception if you try to insert a duplicate element.

In summary, HashSet is a useful collection in C# that provides high performance and supports several set operations. It is easy to use and provides many instance methods to work with.

HashSet vs List


A HashSet is a collection class in C# that provides O(1) lookup for containment. It is designed to be used when you need to determine whether a particular object is contained in a collection quickly. HashSet is implemented using a hash table, which means that it uses a hash function to compute the index of an element in the collection. This makes the lookup operation very fast, even for large collections.

HashSet has several advantages over other collection classes in C#. Firstly, it provides constant-time lookup, which means that the time taken to find an element in the collection does not depend on the size of the collection. Secondly, it provides set operations such as union, intersection, and difference, which can be very useful in certain scenarios.


A List is another collection class in C# that provides dynamic array-like functionality. It is designed to be used when you need to access elements in a collection randomly. List provides constant-time random access, which means that you can access any element in the collection in O(1) time. List also provides the ability to add, remove, and insert elements in the collection.

List has several advantages over HashSet. Firstly, it provides constant-time random access, which means that you can access any element in the collection quickly. Secondly, it provides indexing capabilities, which can be useful in certain scenarios.


When it comes to performance, HashSet is generally faster than List for lookup operations. This is because HashSet uses a hash table to store its elements, which provides constant-time lookup. On the other hand, List uses an array to store its elements, which means that lookup operations take O(n) time in the worst case.

However, calculating a hash key may itself take some CPU cycles, so for a small amount of items, the linear search can be a better choice. It is important to note that the performance of HashSet and List depends on the specific scenario, and it is important to choose the right collection class for your use case.

In summary, HashSet and List are two collection classes in C# that provide different functionality. HashSet is designed for fast lookup operations, while List is designed for random access. The performance of HashSet and List depends on the specific scenario, and it is important to choose the right collection class for your use case.

HashSet vs Dictionary


A HashSet is an unordered collection of unique elements. It is based on the model of mathematical sets and provides high-performance set operations. The HashSet class is implemented using a hash table, where the hash code of each element is used to determine its position in the table. HashSet is useful when you need to store an unordered collection of items and perform set operations such as union, intersection, and difference.


A Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs. It is implemented using a hash table, where the hash code of each key is used to determine its position in the table. The Dictionary class is useful when you need to associate a set of items called “keys” with another collection of items called “values”. Dictionary provides fast lookups based on keys.


HashSet provides faster performance than Dictionary for set operations such as union, intersection, and difference. This is because HashSet is optimized for set operations, while Dictionary is optimized for key-value lookups.


Dictionary provides faster performance than HashSet for key-value lookups. This is because Dictionary is optimized for lookups based on keys, while HashSet is optimized for set operations.

In summary, HashSet is useful when you need to store an unordered collection of unique elements and perform set operations. Dictionary is useful when you need to associate a set of items called “keys” with another collection of items called “values” and perform key-value lookups. The choice between HashSet and Dictionary depends on the specific requirements of your application.

HashSet Serialization

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes so that it can be persisted or transmitted across a network. In C#, the HashSet class implements the ISerializable and IDeserializationCallback interfaces to support serialization and deserialization.

ISerializable and IDeserializationCallback

The ISerializable interface provides a way to control the serialization of an object. It requires the implementation of the GetObjectData method, which is responsible for populating a SerializationInfo object with the data needed to serialize the object.

The IDeserializationCallback interface provides a way to control the deserialization of an object. It requires the implementation of the OnDeserialization method, which is called after the object has been deserialized and allows the object to perform any required post-processing.

Serialization Callbacks

In addition to the ISerializable and IDeserializationCallback interfaces, the HashSet class also provides serialization callbacks through the ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface. This interface requires the implementation of the OnDeserialization and OnSerialization methods, which are called before and after serialization, respectively.

When serializing a HashSet, the GetObjectData method is responsible for adding the contents of the HashSet to the SerializationInfo object. When deserializing a HashSet, the OnDeserialization method is called to restore the contents of the HashSet from the SerializationInfo object.

Here is an example of how to serialize and deserialize a HashSet:

HashSet<int> set = new HashSet<int>();

// Serialize the HashSet
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
formatter.Serialize(stream, set);

// Deserialize the HashSet
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
HashSet<int> deserializedSet = (HashSet<int>)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

In this example, the BinaryFormatter is used to serialize the HashSet to a MemoryStream. The MemoryStream is then reset and used to deserialize the HashSet back into a new HashSet object.

Overall, the HashSet class provides a flexible and powerful way to store and manipulate collections of unique items. By implementing the ISerializable and IDeserializationCallback interfaces, the HashSet class can be easily serialized and deserialized to persist or transmit data across different systems and platforms.


In conclusion, HashSet is a powerful data structure in C# that allows for high-performance operations. It is particularly useful for scenarios where the uniqueness of elements is important, as it ensures that duplicate elements are not added to the collection.

One of the main advantages of using HashSet is its ability to perform standard operations like union and intersection, which can simplify coding and improve maintainability. However, it is important to note that HashSet does not preserve the order of elements, which may be a consideration in certain scenarios.

When working with primary types such as int, double, and bool, HashSet has been shown to be faster than a regular List. However, when working with class objects, HashSet can be significantly faster, making it a valuable tool for optimizing performance in C# applications.

Overall, HashSet is a valuable addition to any C# developer’s toolkit, providing a high-performance solution for scenarios where uniqueness of elements is important. By leveraging its powerful features, developers can improve the efficiency and maintainability of their code, while delivering better performance for end users.

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