An Open Q&A Invitation

TL;DR; Check out the new Q&A Section here :

It’s almost 5 years to the day that I started .NET Core Tutorials. I actually went back and checked and the first ever post was on the 26th of December. Maybe that gives away just how much I do xmas!

One of the first things I did all those years ago was set up an email (, and start fielding questions from people. After all, my writing was literally just me figuring things out as I tried to get to grips on the differences between .NET Core and .NET Framework. Over the years, I’ve probably had an ungodly amount of emails from students to 30 year veterans, just asking questions about .NET and C# in general. Some were clearly homework questions, and others were about bugs in .NET Core that I had a hell of a time debugging, but I treated them all the same and gave replies as best I could.

Some of those questions got turned into blog posts of their own where I more or less shared my reply. But other times, the answer was simple enough that dedicating an entire post to what was almost a one word answer or a 5 line code snippet seemed somewhat dumb. That being said, it always annoyed me that while I was willing to help anyone and everyone who emailed me, me replying to that person one on one and not sharing it wasn’t helping anyone else at the same time.

So, with a bit of time on my hands I’ve spun up a Q&A section right here :

What are the rules? Well.. I’m not really sure. For now, I’m just slowing going back and posting questions that I have been emailed over the years, and pasting in my answer to the question. But *anyone* is available to post a question (You don’t even have to register/login), and *anyone* can post an answer, even on questions that already have answers. I know it’s a bit redundant when things like stackoverflow exist, but again, I’m just trying to share what can’t be turned into it’s own fully fledged post.

Will it be overrun with spam in 3 months time? Who knows. But for now, feel free to jump in, post a question, lend a helping hand with an answer, and let’s see how we go.

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